Thursday, March 9, 2017

MSLD 520 Module 9- Course Reflections

                In the past, I have studied business administration: where the majority of the focus was on the management of business operations and employees. Prior to this course, I often believed that leaders need to take most control of their employees, in addition to motivating employees with traditional rewards and benefits for successful business operations. Now on the last week of this course, I was able to realize and learn that there are more things to consider to be successful.
The most interesting topic I was able to learn from this course was empowerment and motivation. While I was aware of the importance of traditional rewards and benefits, I didn’t consider how something simple like autonomy can be just as important. In the earlier modules, we watched a very interesting TED talk by Daniel Pink, where he mentioned the importance and need for autonomy in the workplace. After watching the video, it made a lot of sense and made me realize that autonomy may be one of my primary reasons to why I currently enjoy my current job. The job is less stressful due to the fact that I’m not constantly forced to do things. In addition, I can spend some time to do things I enjoy. As Pink mentioned, this can not only be motivating, but it can help build on to my current skills and knowledge to establish better work outcomes (Pink, 2009).
                As someone relatively new to the full-time workforce, it has been a struggle to balance work, school, and my personal life at the start of the leadership program. Another thing I was able to learn from this course was the importance and need of work-life balance. Although getting things done is necessary, it is important to keep in mind that we are human beings and having a social, healthy lifestyle is critical. After completing the module focusing on work-life balance, it helped me realize that I spend too much time on work and school. My mental and physical health were not well, and it was starting to take effect. To resolve the issue, I changed my day schedule to implement more time to do things I enjoy. To do this, I split the assignment: making litter progress each day rather than doing it all in one day.
                If I ever have the opportunity to work as a supervisor, manager, etc., I plan to consider the lessons we’ve learned on empowerment, motivation, and work-life balance. Far too many organizations are strongly task-focused: which can often spark social issues in the workplace (Whetten & Cameron, 2016). Working with leaders that are “too commanding” can also be stressful, which can eventually cause poor work qualities. Instead, it is important to do the opposite: balance out work and social life, talk less like a boss (not too commanding), and make work as enjoyable as possible.


Pink, D. (2009). Daniel Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation [Video file]. TED. Retrieved from

Whetten, D. A. & Cameron, K. S. (2016). Developing management skills, 9th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.

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